Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
<snip />
>> Merging the projects is a good idea, but I think, for the sake of
>> customization and flexibility, it will still be good to break down LFS
>> into 'modules' as Alan Lord suggested. 
> I'm having a problem understanding this concept.  If one wants a web
> server, then you only need LFS and a few packages from BLFS.  If you
> want a workstation, then you need LFS and quite a few more packages from
> BLFS.  What's a "module" besides a list of packages for a particular
> application?  BLFS is set up to be able to jump around as necessary.  I
> must be missing something because I see a "module" as fundamentally LFS
> and a list of links in BLFS.

Bruce, my "modular idea was more about "training modules" rather than 
sets of packages...

Here's the original suggestion I made:

So perhaps the LFS project becomes some sort of "course" (and I use the
term loosely). The "modules" of which, could be something like:

* Learning the basics (Command Line, cmmi, security, toolchain, blah blah)

* Scripting/Automating (A subject about how LFS gets built, the tools,
the processes involved etc) [This is where PM would probably go too]

* Basic Useful Applications (A sort of mini BLFS where we get
networking, X and maybe Firefox/TB type apps installed)

* Building your Distro (Completing the core build-out adding your chosen
apps and utilities and configuring)

* Making your Distro distributable (How to make a liveCD of "your
distro", how to make an installer script...)


So, I was trying to think at high level about how to keep, and hopefully 
improve, the educational value of LFS and to separate the current 
process into "course modules" at sensible points to allow them to be 
done "standalone" as it were.

By splitting up it this way, I think we could get a wider community 
involvement as interested parties can 'scratch their own itch' without 
having to know about everything else.

I think Jeremy summed up the current thinking well at the start of this 
thread and I basically agree. I do think however, these modules need to 
be given careful thought. Anyone in the (higher) educational sector care 
to comment? Forget about the technicalities for now, just concentrate on 
thinking about what would make a really fantastic learning project, with 
something that you get to keep and develop at the end of it! A bit like 
Lego, or Meccano (

PHP has cropped up a few times. It's probably the best choice as *so 
many people* know about it.

We might want to take a look at something like Moodle 
(, a Learning Management System (LMS) which is used 
very widely in schools and FE colleges as a possible delivery platform. 
Why re-invent the wheel?

Thanks for all the positive comments about the module suggestion, that 
makes me feel all useful and everything :-)


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