On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 14:53 -0700, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2007 15:47:12 +0100, Julio Meca Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > The last information that can be extracted from the LFS Trac for ticket
> > #2074 (texinfo-4.11) stated that we had to wait until gcc-4.2.2 was out,
> > now gcc is out and in fact used in the development branch of the book,
> > is it ready for inclusion?
> Last time I tried a build with Texinfo-4.11 it failed on GCC and Binutils.  
> Obviously, GCC has been upgraded since then, but Binutils hasn't had a new 
> upstream release yet.
> Regards,
> Matt.

After some time examining the mailing lists for binutils at
sourceware.org, I found that the bug has been resolved. After reading
that, I've been examining the content of the branch update patch posted
in the CLFS repo, and it effectively contains the solution for texinfo

Ok, I know LFS doesn't apply patches until a specific bug is hit and
needs a fix, but as texinfo-4.11 is a targeted package and the branch
update patch seems to solve it (among other enhancements, I suppose but
not completely sure...), wouldn't it be a chance for LFS to take a look
at that patch?

(Maybe the rest of the toolchain updates could be taken a look, also,
but for the cited package, in this case texinfo, I think we should give
it a chance, IMHO)


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