Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 08/15/07 11:42 CST:

> I can't see it happening in BLFS for the simple reason that it would
> be a monumental task (automating the proper inserts could perhaps be
> done, but we wouldn't do that until *every* package has been tested,
> which again would be monumental).

maybe, but BLFS is probably where inclusion of a package manager of some
sort would be best placed.

The biggest issue with pms is the number of options. trying to put into
any of the books a pm without picking one is not an easy task. yet the
workload of having sections for every pm is way to much.

I think adding the destdir to the build commands, as an option to enable
pm use in blfs, might be the best option for lfs itself.

The real headache of the pm is that unless the entire collection of
editors and testers were to start collecting updates and rating for
security / bugfix / regular new version and testing them, any pm
installed on an lfs based system is only 1/2 as usefull as intended. (
at best )
Does anyone on the list have the time to monitor the packages and test
the patches, then make update packages for every pm option? The
"distros" have sufficient staff / volunteers to do it, for their pm
choice, does the LFS project for all pms? "Your Distro, Your Way"

If the editors pick a pm, then they are removing the "choice" part of that.
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