Hi Everyone,

I was poking around a bit today on wiki.l14h.org and noticed that the LiveCD Trac system was cluttered with spam tickets. It seems to have sparked a little annoyance in me, because I went to check if I could still get administrative access. A little to my surprise, I was able to get in, so I cleaned up all the spam. I started by marking the tickets as invalid, but then figured out how to delete them entirely. Also, I deleted the accounts responsible for the spam and turned off open user registration for the LiveCD trac system. At least until the LiveCD project is better moderated, only allowed users can create tickets.

The little bit of activity felt nice and renewed my desire to help somewhat. So I thought I'd bring up two other points while I'm at it.

First off, the ALFS project as a whole needs some re-structuring. I gather that development on jhalfs is still hot (I've taken a peek at recent code - you guys are doing some cool stuff. :) ), but it seems that everything else there is rather dead. I'd suggest dropping the rest of it entirely, focus on improving jhalfs, and clean up the project so that it better reflects the activity. This leads me to my second point...

The ALFS page on the website is a good example of the condition of the site as a whole. The content there is generally outdated and there's nothing to show the activity that's going on in the background. So, I guess I'm curious if there is still resistance to the idea of turning the wiki into the main site. It just may encourage developers to keep the site more up-to-date, and in turn, encourage more in general to participate with the project. One of the objections to this, IIRC, was the inability to mirror. However, also IIRC, the CLFS project has been able to mirror Trac - they might have some insights there. For that matter, when it comes down to it, web mirrors may not really be all that helpful, except for perhaps when it comes to the actual books. It might be just as efficient to keep the 'site' all on one server via the wiki, but link to mirrors that contain the published books for online reading.

That's just some passing thoughts I had. I realize that I'm not really up to speed with the dynamics of the group these days, so my take on matters may very well be inaccurate. If I'm completely ignored, I'll understand. :)

In any case: Hello!

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