Dan Nicholson wrote:
On 5/28/06, Ag Hatzimanikas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I propose the creation of a new udev/bootscript/kernel/doc team.
I nominate  Alexander Patrakov as the new Leader of this project,
and also  Dan Nicholson, DJ Lucas, Ken Moffat as members of the team.

+1.  The way I see it, there would be a "boot" project.  I don't see
why this would have to be any different than patches with a shared
repo between projects.

The difference is that booting is a fundamental part of building an LFS system. Always has been. Discussion about something as important as udev rules or the bootscripts should take place on this list. The community should discuss the issues and the editors decide.

So, I say let's do this.  I don't care where it's hosted.  As long as
the people that become project leaders are impartial, it will be a lot
easier than people are making it out to be.

Why the need to be impartial? What's wrong with supporting Linux From Scratch? This is the Linux From Scratch project. I, for one, am in favour of it.

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