On Sun, May 28, at 04:59:14 Ag Hatzimanikas wrote: > > I propose the creation of a new udev/bootscript/kernel/doc team. > I nominate Alexander Patrakov as the new Leader of this project, > and also Dan Nicholson, DJ Lucas, Ken Moffat as members of the team. >
Adding Nathan Coulson in the team. Also a new addition. Jürg Billeter from Paldo.org, If someone could contact with him,I would appreciate it a lot (unfortunately I have only 10 minutes (this morning) left to spend to LFS. Judging from the community reactions so far, it seems that is safe to assume that the community gave positive vote to the new project. If it doesn't look positive for someone,lets speak now. I will come back to my house late night, and if there is no serious reason against the idea, the voting procedure will come to an end. It's 09.31 (here local time),and I guess 12-15 hours from now. So You still have time to express your feelings. This is all can I say right now... my wife ,my kids and my dogs are ready to killing me. I promised them a family day. :) -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page