On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 03:44:25PM -0500, Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it because of the new man program, or the build order that some
> of the man pages are not being formatted properly? I don't really
> understand what is going on, but for example, try to 'man diff' on
> a newly built system.
> It has to do with a help2man program not being installed. What is
> weird is that the man page is correctly formatted in the diffutils
> source tree, and installed all screwed up.
> I wonder how many other man pages are screwed up?
> I do know that on a system build around the new year (2006), this
> did not happen and the diff man page was correctly installed.

 Nice catch!  The absence of help2man is even in my log, either I
didn't notice it, or I thought I didn't need it because we weren't
messing with the man page.  In fact, the i18n patch is doing this -
it updates src/diff.c, but in man/Makefile after configure has run
I can see the following:

S = $(top_srcdir)/src

diff.1: $S/diff.c

and similarly for the other three man-pages.  In other words, the
docs are supposed to be regenerated to match any change to the
source (assuming I'm reading correctly).  I don't think I've ever
seen this sort of dependency before, but I suppose it's possible
that another patched or sedded package might do something similar.

 What I find strange is that I can't get the help2man error message
to reappear when I walk through this and log the install, although
the resulting page shows the problem.  But that's probably just a
local oddity.

 Looks as if it can be fixed by 'touch man/*.1' after applying the
patch (pedantically, "works for me" if I rebuild as a user and
install somewhere else).  But, my lfs system is old (25th March)
and I don't have time or sufficient x86 cpu cycles to actually do a
fresh lfs build at the moment.

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