Jeremy Huntwork wrote: > Looking at , > we have only 8 tickets left slated for 6.2, and a couple of them are > easy ones. In fact, none of them are marked as 'defect' and I would say > only about half should be done before we branch for testing - the others > are just data to drop into the book before release. > > Given that, can we mark which ones we want/need to have done before we > branch for testing and then set a branch target date?
OK, here are my thoughts: 1032 New users and groups I've had private conversations about this with other devs. My opinion is that this is not broken. Others have philosophical differences. Mark as wontfix. 1785 Udev Rules need verified for accuracy, completeness, and bloat This needs to be done, but won't ever be complete before -testing. Testing is where the verification will really happen. 1659 Re-evaluate the possible Glibc test failures with the current GCC and Glibc combinations This is a text only change and probably won't change any instructions. It should be reviewed before -testing, but it doesn't have to be complete. 1765 Update to LFS License Waiting on Gerard, but is text only. Doesn't have to be complete before -testing. 1789 The SBU and disk usage info need be updated Doesn't have to be complete before -testing. 1790 udev rules need documented Doesn't have to be complete before -testing. 1791 linux- Needs to be done, but is a moving target. Seems to be moving quite fast recently. A freeze decision has to be made sometime. 1656 Redundancy in Chapter 6 "Creating Directories" Not a high priority, but seems to be very easy. I don't understand why it hasn't been fixed by now. Fix it today. -- Bruce -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page