Archaic wrote:
On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 01:02:01PM -0400, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
Given that, can we mark which ones we want/need to have done before we
branch for testing and then set a branch target date?
The two marked high must be done before branching. The rest are textual
(expect for the now commonplace kernel upgrade). I'll get the kernel one
done probably today.
Once you get the kernel in, unless there's another release before we're
ready to branch or one is released after we branch with security fixes,
I say we freeze kernel updates.
Randy, this should answer your question about the kernel version. Not
sure about inotify.h but I know there's been discussion about it (can
you tell I wasn't paying much attention?). I'd have to go re-read all
the posts so far on that topic first.
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