Hey All,
Trying to close this ticket:
In trying to incorporate Dan's suggestions, I decided to *require* the
sanity check at the end of chapter 6 gcc. Up to now the wording there
has said it was recommended to repeat the sanity checks performed in the
readjusting section and the user was asked to go back and follow those
That always kind of bugged me - that in the middle of the flow you have
to go *back* in the book and repeat some instructions. Also, the output
of some of the greps we do in the sanity checks are different depending
on whether you're running it before the final binutils/gcc or after. So
I thought it might just be better overall to include the instructions
one last time, with specific output, at the end of chapter 6 gcc.
Please comment on the following:
Note that I didn't include the new ld path grep into the readjusting
section - only in the gcc page. I did this because at the readjusting
stage, the path will still show an occurrence of '/tools', like so:
"# grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log
SEARCH_DIR("/tools/i686-pc-linux-gnu/lib"); SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib");
The installation of the next two packages, binutils and gcc will fix
that, but I thought the appearance of '/tools' might be misleading.
Also, any comments about how to fix the formatting of that output on the
gcc page would be appreciated.
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