On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 08:12:18PM -0400, Jeremy Huntwork wrote: > > Agreed. Unless someone else raises an objection, I'll take a look at > fixing that up.
There might be a better way to go about this. With only one exception, the test commands are identical. So the first question is, why not add grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log to the tests run on the adjustment page? If that is added, now we have a duplicate set of tests. Also, there are 2 tests with line lengths that exceed our allowable maximum. The first is the above grep which can be modified like so: grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g' The other is the crt grep which can be modded as so: grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].* .*' dummy.log Now we have identical tests and manageable output lengths. The final question, and one I don't readily see an answer to is the difference in output in the crt greps. Dan, perhaps you can tell me, will the SEARCH grep return the same at both stages? If so, then we only have one oddball in the bunch and I would recommend writing the caution only in the adjustment page and XInclude it to the gcc-page. It will require a little finessing of the crt results so that they can be different on each page, and the text would need to be sufficiently generic so it applies to both pages. Of course, the only reason for XIncludes is that despite the best intentions, it is likely a change to one page will be forgotten about in the other. -- Archaic Want control, education, and security from your operating system? Hardened Linux From Scratch http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/hlfs -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page