Dan Nicholson wrote:
> On 3/15/06, Alexander E. Patrakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dan Nicholson wrote:
>>> Now I'm confused.  So, the effect you were after *really* was:
>>> 1. Configure fontconfig with --without-add-fonts
>>> 2. Let X install its fonts in the default location 
>>> ($XORG_PREFIX/lib/X11/fonts)
>>> 3. Symlink /usr/share/fonts/X11-{OTF,TTF} ->
>>> $XORG_PREFIX/lib/X11/fonts/{OTF,TTF}
>>> Correct?
>> Yes.
> Bruce, this isn't what you said you wanted.  I believe what you want is:
> 1. Configure fontconfig as it is now (possibly not --without-add-fonts)

I have rethought the --without-add-fonts switch to fontconfig.  It is
not, strictly speaking, required on a first BLFS install, but it doesn't
seem to hurt anything either.  It *may* be needed on a reinstall
depending on where the fonts are located.

We can put it back in, but I would reword the explanation to read:

<para><parameter>--without-add-fonts</parameter>: This
switch disables the automatic search for X Window System fonts which,
if found, may confuse some applications.</para>

> 2. Install X fonts in /usr/share/X11/fonts.  This would require
> (untested) changes to Xorg.

It seems to me that the right place for fonts is somewhere in the
/usr/share hierarchy.  A case can be made for it in $XORG_PREFIX/lib
too.  I suppose that the best thing for us to do is use the X defaults.

> 3. Symlink /usr/share/fonts/X11-{OTF,TTF} -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/{OTF,TTF}

This would change with the use of the default location.

> Correct?  We need to come to a consensus here before we can move
> forward.  I don't really care which path is followed, so long as
> fontconfig can find TrueType fonts but not bitmapped fonts.

I think the above agrees with Alexander so it appears that we do have

Just a minor note:  I'm not 100% sure but I don't think the problem is
bitmapped fonts, but Type 1 fonts.  The documentation in fontconfig's
configure file indicates that bitmapped fonts are ignored by default.
If we put the X fonts in /usr/share/fonts, it would be a problem.

  -- Bruce
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