On Fri, 23 Dec 2005, Dan Nicholson wrote:

I haven't done any research yet, but I'm attaching the ICA report for
1v2.  With the exception of farce-extras (too big to move around), you
can see the results in http://students.washington.edu/dbnichol/lfs/ .

I'm going out of town in the morning, so I probably can't do any
research till the new year.  I'd appreciate any comments people have.

 Hi Dan,

I've been attempting to run an ICA on my CLFS ppc builds (CLFS from 20051214, but modified to also build a minimal 64-bit toolchain in /opt/kgcc because the cpu is a G5). So, my observations have very little to do with the alphabetical branch per-se.

My process (build twice, boot second build, then go back to first build and rebuild on top of the second build with /tools no longer used) has highlighted an error in my original two builds which I need to try to understand (module-init-tools in /usr/local, the last two builds were correct!). There are other things in my results that I don't yet understand, and it looks like I'll need to _not_ boot a system before running ICA on it - Dan may reply 'told you so!' if he wishes ;)

My method did show that 'man' will compile against lynx if lynx is already installed (bummer) - should we be building lynx, and then man, in LFS ? Or would BLFS like to add 'man' with a dependency on 'lynx' (heh, I can guess the answer to that) ?

Oh, and *some* examinations of ar archives in farce were broken again [ not sure if this showed, other than in the runtime error messages ] - fixed in farce-001-4 which is now available.

 Anyway, you have differences in

mkfs - ok for me, but my fsck.ext2 (and its other names) differed.

bison, perl, vim - for me, these differ between my second and third builds, but not for my third and fourth, nor for the first and second - I guess this is the whole point of ICA and the build will be assumed guilty unless an explanation can be produced. Needs investigation.

nscd - ok for me

sundry .gch files - none of these files on ppc, I guess they must be those precompiled headers. No opinion (either on why they differ, or on whether clfs ppc ought to have them).

libstdc++.a and libsupc++.a - the anonymous namespaces. [ Note that farce is content to match the corresponding .so files by running 'strip --strip-all' - maybe that is hiding more than it should.]

locale-archive - I only see this differing when it is updated in place! (that is, in ICA). The size for me with 'ls -l' is unchanged, so I'm not particularly worried, seems to be a feature of reinstalling locales in-situ. Possibly, a useful ICA run should never install locales (since there is no 'expect', so it won't be running testsuites).

Thanks for doing this analysis.

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