On 12/27/05, Greg Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Nicholson wrote:
> > I think you may be right about not
> > installing the locales for the purposes of ICA.  I'm gonna change the
> > locale installation to check for RUN_ICA in my scripts.
> Don't be too concerned with the locale-archive. It's just data and not
> program code. I once spent some time looking into the issue but never
> really got to the bottom of it. Yet more undocumented Glibc voodoo :-/
>   http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/lfs-dev/2003-May/035068.html

No kidding.  This is OT, but does anyone know how to install the
locales in a DESTDIR style install when glibc isn't installed into /
yet?  You can pass install_root to make localedata/install-locales, so
it obviously works, but I don't want to install the whole set of
locales.  I noticed a --prefix parameter to localedef, but it doesn't
work (I think) since the toolchain is not installed in / and
readjusted.  Any insight would be appreciated.

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