Richard A Downing wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:10:45 +0100
> Jörg W Mittag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> DJ Lucas wrote:
>>> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>>>> I contacted the gmane guys today to see about getting things organised 
>>>> with regard to a more consistent mirroring setup for all of the lists, 
>>>> and am just waiting to hear back from them.
>>> Matt, What is the status on this request?
>> Why do you have to contact them anyway? The normal way to add a
>> mailinglist is to just fill out the submit form at
>> <> and be done with it. Why doesn't that
>> work for LFS?
> This is what I did for lfs-dev, and I think it's my reqest that
> caused the inclusion. I suggest that Matt fills in the form for the
> missing groups.

I just found the page I was searching for this morning:
| If you wish to have an archive of a mailing list you administrate
| imported into Gmane, send a mail to Lars with the URL of the
| mailing list archive, and which group it should be imported into.
| Duplicates are ignored when doing an import, so a total archive of
| the list is ok -- no pre-filtering of messages is necessary.

So, contacting them is exactly the right thing to do. Sorry for the
noise. (Although one could probably just include a link to the
mbox-archive in the comments field of the subscription form, plus a
statement saying that you are the list admin.)

BTW, rereading my earlier post, I realized it may have come across a
little rude. Thankfully, that ISO8859-1 character in my name has
"Beware! Non-native speaker!" written in big red flashing letters all
over it (-;


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