On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 06:35:52PM -0400, Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
> > ### RATIONALE FOR REMOVAL ### ptmx - isn't directly accessed by a
> > user. /etc/fstab dictates pty perms
> That's incorrect; this change would break PTYs completely.

And apparently your statement is also incorrect because ssh can properly
create ptys all day long with the proper permissions. So apparently a
closer look into both scenarios is warranted.

> If your printer supports PostScript natively, you can cat PS files to
> your printer device.  In fact, even if it doesn't support PS, you can
> send the output of GhostScript to the printer device (this is one more
> package, but it's nothing on the order of cups or lprng).  (I do this
> whenever I need to print anything -- I print it to a file, then run the
> file through GS with -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0.)

But you cannot do that without explicitly assigning a non-root user to
the lp group. LFS will not have that group in the future so it wouldn't
make sense to create a device with the same perms it would have by

> For that matter, all the device categories that the current config file
> says "xxxx devices go in their own directory" (sound, input) will now be
> cluttering up /dev, which is (at least IMO) the Wrong Thing.

This statement warrants further consideration. Thanks for pointing it


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