On 8/20/05, Matthew Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tushar Teredesai wrote:
> > BTW, if there are no plans to remove inetutils, we might was well keep
> > the utils such as ftp and telnet that it current installs.
> But that was one of the reasons I was proposing we remove it.  'ftp'
> simply doesn't compile out of the box on the gcc4 branch, and the only
> patch we have causes it to segfault when issuing any command to it!
> Upstream applied the patch, then reverted it shortly afterwards when
> they realised it was the wrong fix.  Unfortunately the right fix still
> hasn't materialised (and I'm not qualified to be able to engineer the
> fix myself).

For gcc4 branch, for the time being the book could add a --disable-ftp
option and state the reason why it is disabled. Hopefully by the time
the gcc4 branch is ready for release, a fix would be available.

Tushar Teredesai
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