Bernard Leak wrote:
    For the rest of us:
    "Program" is merely an American (mis-)spelling,
    adopted by people who failed to know better.

Careful. Your words here could very easily be taken as offensive.

And for what its worth, the *entire* English language is full of holes and ignorant adoptions, whether of British or American origin.

For example, consider the origin of the word 'sirloin':

"Actually, there are several versions of the story about sirloin: one (recorded by Jonathan Swift) credits James I with knighting the cut, and another (written about by Thomas Fuller in his Church History, 1655) notes that it was Henry VIII who had the honor. The word sirloin, however, comes from Middle French surlonge `above the loin' (sur `over' + longe `loin' (from Old French loigne `loin')). It was surloyne in English in 1425. The u changing to an i, according to several sources, was due to the erroneous "knightly" etymology. Today's spelling first appeared in the 17th century."

Taken from

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