On Wednesday 15 June 2005 05:59 pm, David Jensen wrote:
> Archaic wrote:
> >Now for the sake of current BLFS svn, I see no need to change this in
> >6.1, but for future releases I propose the entire build instructions be
> >used which would add:
> >
> >make -C ld clean
> >make -C ld LIB_PATH=/tools/lib
> >
> >Now there is no reason to add this *except* that section 4.5 of the book
> >(which explains SBU's) can explicitly state that all commands in grey
> >text should be encapsulated in the time command if you want to measure
> >the SBU value for that package. Then it leaves little to chance and
> >helps keeps all the developers and readers on the same page.
> >
> >Again, I am proposing this for post-6.1.
> I don't think it's a big thing,  BLFS sbu ratios would then be
> *slightly* high.
> Few would notice.
> --
> David Jensen

Actually, I had already assumed that was part of the SBU

Marcus Singleton
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