Gerard Beekmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in


> commit. It might take a day or two before there might be time again.
> I'd rather get the package in without updating sizes, SBUs, and
> descriptions, than wait longer to get the update. 


For what it's worth, here are some Chapter 5 SBU's for LFS-SVN-20050219 
(Chapter 6 tomorrow), with the following exceptions

binutils is at
findutils is at 4.2.18
flex is patched to debian-fixes-4
using --without-csharp instead of --disable-csharp for gettext

Host system is a LFS-SVN from January-ish, Host machine is a Pentium-M 
1.6Ghz, *however*, it's running as a VMWare Workstation 4.5.2 build 8848 
guest on a Windows XP SP1 laptop, with 512Mb RAM assigned to the Linux 
VM. (Yeah, thats an ugly way to do it - but it works, and it's what I 
have available ;) It also probably means the SBU's aren't worth a lot, 
but it's another data point anyway.

Also, what's the recommended method of obtaining disk usage stats? total 
installed size, including sources? I'm building the full LFS system most 
every day, and can easily script that sort of thing to produce output 
that might be useful (e.g. SBU, disk usage, installed programs, etc)


        binutils-static                 1.00 SBU
        gcc-static                              2.41 SBU
        linux-libc-headers              0.01 SBU
        glibc                                   3.77 SBU
        gcc                                     2.05 SBU
        binutils                                1.11 SBU
        gawk                                    0.19 SBU
        coreutils                               0.56 SBU
        bzip2                                   0.01 SBU
        gzip                                    0.04 SBU
        diffutils                               0.11 SBU
        findutils                               0.15 SBU
        make                                    0.09 SBU
        grep                                    0.09 SBU
        sed                                     0.11 SBU
        gettext                         1.08 SBU
        ncurses                         0.42 SBU
        patch                                   0.03 SBU
        tar                                     0.18 SBU
        texinfo                         0.16 SBU
        bash                                    0.33 SBU
        m4                                      0.05 SBU
        bison                                   0.14 SBU
        flex                                    0.87 SBU
        util-linux                              0.03 SBU
        perl                                    0.39 SBU

-- -
Steve Crosby
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