
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 3:34 PM, Kristian Evensen
<kristian.even...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, great. I just started building a new image for my router, will
> test and let you know if I still see the issue.

I think I have finished my testing, at least for now, and it seems the
problem is fixed. I compiled an image with the latest changes to mt76,
installed the image on one of my WG3526-routers showing the issue,
configured both radios as clients and updated the router ~10 times,
rebooted, etc. I did not see the crash, wifi was rock solid. I then
"updated" to the older image without the latest changes and the oops
appeared right away.

I will keep an eye on this router, just in case, but it seems the
problem is gone. Thanks for fixing it so fast!


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