On 01/20/2018 02:15 AM, Christian Lamparter wrote:
On Friday, January 19, 2018 10:06:50 PM CET Ben Greear wrote:
On 01/19/2018 01:03 PM, Christian Lamparter wrote:
On Friday, January 19, 2018 9:12:04 PM CET gree...@candelatech.com wrote:
From: Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com>
This will allow us to select the CT IPQ4019 firmware instead if
Signed-off-by: Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com>
package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile
index 519e8c9..6690248 100644
--- a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile
+++ b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define Package/ipq-wifi-default
SUBMENU:=ath10k IPQ4019 Boarddata
- DEPENDS:=@TARGET_ipq806x +ath10k-firmware-qca4019
+ DEPENDS:=@TARGET_ipq806x
TITLE:=Custom Board
Wait! I remember talking about this here in the RFC thread:
|Hm, this would break the WIFI in the default configuration for the
|FritzBox 4040 image. Currently it only has a dependency on the
|ipq-wifi-fritz4040. (So it will end up without a firmware-5.bin)
What gives? Are you trying to break the AVM FRITZ!Box 4040 image on purpose?
Of course I'm not trying to break anything. But, I am not sure how to
fix this properly.
I remember writing about this too. It's in the reply.
|I think there's a another way to do this. But it will require to break with
|the existing convention of adding the board-2.bin that comes with the
|firmware repository to the ath10k-firmware-qca4019 file.
|This way, the custom board-2.bin will stay in place when you switch/update
|the firmware-5.bin.
|(The board-2.bin for the reference boards can simply be packaged just like
|one of the ipq-wifi board firmwares). And furhtermore, you could provide a
|"easy to use/install" custom ipq-wifi.ipk for the board-2.bin you currently
|host on your webside.
Of course, if you have a better idea let's hear it too. You could look into
making virtual packages (Don't know, if that's a thing with opkg, or not.
So watch out!) or go a different route. I'm sure there's plenty of ways to
do it. If you come up with something, I'll be happy to test it.
Does each platform need to specifically enable a firmware target instead of
depending on a DEPENDS statement to make it work?
From what I know, the platform (ipq806x) does not add any firmware packages to
DEFAULT_PACKAGES in the target/linux/ipq806x/Makefile. It's all "per-device".
(That said, you might want to talk to Sven Eckelmann too. As he has added
the ath10k-firmware-qca4019 package to the OpenMesh a42's DEVICE_PACKAGES.
So, if ath10k-ct is selected on a a42 it will also include the (now useless)
ath10k-firmware-qca4019, right?)
Is there some other way I can provide an option for two different firmware
The firmware binaries (i.e. firmware-X.bin) are not the problem. It's the
"board-2.bin" files that are shipped by the ath10k-firmware-qca4019/9984/..
I was testing on a semi-private Jalepeno v2 tree yesterday, and I did not need
the 2/4 patch to select -ct firmware. So, maybe the original issue I faced is
actually not an issue any more. Or, maybe that private tree already had some
hacks in it that made it work.
Maybe you could test the 3 -v2 patches I posted on your 4019 device and see if
you can select -ct firmware?
The board.bin issue would be the same with -ct or stock 4019 firmware AFAIK,
so if that is still an issue, it is a separate one.
Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com>
Candela Technologies Inc http://www.candelatech.com
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