On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Bill Moffitt <bmoff...@ayrstone.com> wrote:
> I have bricked one so far and updated two to AirOS 6.0.6 (the only version
> available on the UBNT download site for the Loco M2). Updating to AirOS
> 6.0.6 initiates the "signed firmware only" capability in uboot, so nothing
> else can be loaded onto them. So I have, essentially, 3 of 4 units dead on
> my workbench (I checked the unit that was running LEDE to make see if it
> would still accept firmware via tftp; it only accepts the 6.0.6 firmware).
> I am certainly open to any ideas anyone has... I'll update this as I know
> more.
UBNT-SNK on their forum suggested the following:

> Hi All,
> I understand the concerns that have been raised by the community around the 
> airOS v6.0.6 firmware and wanted to give an update with a clear explanation 
> of the issues we are aware of and the current solutions.
> 1. We have seen a number of older XM devices (typically 3+ years old) being 
> affected by a crash when running the airOS v6.0.6 firmware. The timing and 
> frequency of the crash varies but from what we have seen, it is limited to 
> those older XM devices.
> To address this, we have removed the XM version of airOS v6.0.6 from the 
> download page and are working to fix the issue in airOS v6.0.7.
> 2. In airOS v6.0.6 we restricted downgrades to earlier versions for 
> regulatory compliance and security. However, the XM issue as described above 
> has caused some users to need to downgrade. There is a path that allows you 
> to do this remotely: load the airOS v6.0.6 beta firmware on a device running 
> airOS v6.0.6, and from there you are able to downgrade back to airOS v6.0.4 
> or an earlier version remotely.
> The files for the beta firmware are here:
> https://www.ubnt.com/downloads/XN-fw-internal/v6.0.6/XM.v6.0.6-beta.30875.170526.0038.bin
> https://www.ubnt.com/downloads/XN-fw-internal/v6.0.6/TI.v6.0.6-beta.30875.170526.0008.bin
> https://www.ubnt.com/downloads/XN-fw-internal/v6.0.6/XW.v6.0.6-beta.30875.170526.0023.bin
> You will need to enable beta access to download the files. Instructions to do 
> so are here:
> https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/204908664-How-To-Sign-Up-for-Beta-Access
> We are always listening to the community and doing our best to respond to 
> your feedback to make our products better for you. I apologize for this issue 
> and any inconvenience it has caused.

Aaron Z

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