
I just got a new batch of Loco M2 units, and they have changed to the XW architecture.

I typically downgrade these to AirOS 5.5 (I also work with the Loco M5, which has been XW for a while, so I have the 5.5 XW firmware close at hand), but these units would not downgrade. I tried doing a tftp downgrade and I appear to have bricked the unit. (no matter what I flash onto it, the Ethernet port won't work except in "rescue" mode).

The units I received are running AirOS 5.6.12, and I found I could use the WebUI to "upgrade" to LEDE. That was surprising... especially since using the tftp/"rescue mode" method did NOT work. I have not verified that LEDE is working properly, but I could log into the unit.

I have bricked one so far and updated two to AirOS 6.0.6 (the only version available on the UBNT download site for the Loco M2). Updating to AirOS 6.0.6 initiates the "signed firmware only" capability in uboot, so nothing else can be loaded onto them. So I have, essentially, 3 of 4 units dead on my workbench (I checked the unit that was running LEDE to make see if it would still accept firmware via tftp; it only accepts the 6.0.6 firmware).

I am certainly open to any ideas anyone has... I'll update this as I know more.

-Bill Moffitt

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