On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:31 PM, John Crispin <j...@phrozen.org> wrote:
> i am still very much in favour of having 2 trees, one stable and one dev
> tree. this would allow everyone to choose what they think fits their
> needs best.

I too have liked this idea since I first heard it. Upstream Wi-Fi has
a "wireless-testing" branch, which keeps merging in new development.
It's not really meant to be "unstable" but there is higher risk of
breakage than a stable branch that has had far more use and testing.

In another thread you mentioned how the name "lede" came from the lead
article in print -- the analogy kind of fits.
* new development goes into the OpenWrt LEDE branch -- latest code,
latest "news"
* new releases (since the split) could be called "version 1.x --
OpenWrt LEDE edition" (or continue alphabetical letters as before if
you want)
* for those "in the know" (devs on these mailing lists), the extra
"LEDE" branding matching the enhancements enabled because of the split
seems beneficial (project image and growth enhanced)
* for those "in the dark", more casual or ad hoc users, the http
redirect seems not just beneficial, but downright important to help
those casual users find a new stable release from the LEDE branch,
once it is available. (marketing 101 -- ability to pop to the top of a
google search is more important than how someone pronounces your

I think you (and the other big contributors) are doing an excellent
job. And I admire your continued emphasis on transparency and open
communication. It makes the project stronger and I see a lot of
positive responses from the community, because of that openness.

A merge of effort, via an agreement by all you talented developers to
work together, under contribution guidelines and processes that you
can all follow and feel good about, would make for a Happy New Year!

good luck!

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