On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Daniel Curran-Dickinson wrote:

On Sun, 2016-06-19 at 12:35 -0700, David Lang wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Daniel Curran-Dickinson wrote:

On Thu, 2016-06-16 at 10:34 -0400, Aaron Z wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 4:03 AM, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
With Imagebuilder and things pre-compiled, what does it take to create an
image? I'm wondering if this is something that can be converted to a web UI
where we could have someone select stuff (or upload a config file) and have
the system spit out a custom tailored image a few seconds later.

Something like this could do wonders to move people away from the 'base
image must contain what I need' mentality.
Personally, I would like that (and wouldn't have a problem with
waiting a half hour or an hour for a build to be done).
For example, I don't need PPOE support on any of the hardware I use,
many of the devices don't have a USB port, so I don't need USB
support, its internal on an IPV4 network, so I don't need IPV6
support, it would be nice to have Nano installed by default (hard to
use vi over ssh from a phone that doesn't have an escape key :D).
But that's just the perspective of a end user/sysadmin who has been
using OpenWrt (and now LEDE) for 7-10 years.

TBH I think the biggest reasons this hasn't already is:

1) People who want it don't care enough to work on it, or are the people
who don't know how to work it and and can't/don't fund someone who does.
2) Infrastructure:  You need a server to host on and storage etc, and
this costs money or donations.

or don't know how to contribute funds to make something like this work.

That's what I meant by can't (and I agree that having some means of
hooking up community funders with community developers would be helpfu;
kind of like prpl but for community).

I was calling out the difference between "I don't have money to contribute" and "I have money I could send, but I don't know who to give it to"

The first is something the project can't do anything about, the second will cost some effort (setting up the ability to receive donations and policies/processes to use the donations), but properly done (assuming people are willing to send money/equipment) could be a net win for the project.

David Lang

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