On Sat, 11 Jun 2016, Daniel Curran-Dickinson wrote:

Hi Dave,

I don't speak for the LEDE team, but it looks to me a lot of your
problem is that you are using LEDE/openwrt for far bigger iron than the
primary target (standard routers, including pre-AC non-NAND ones, which
are really quite small and low powered).  2 TB+ storage for example, or
using lighttpd instead of uhttpd are really things that don't affect the
primary use case and if you want to support this, you need to find a way
to do that does not negatively affect your typical router (without
external storage).

While CeroWRT has expanded it's aim to be able to support today's faster network connections (up to and including the 1G connections now available), that's not really the issue here.

Even low-end devices now include a USB port, and it's really easy to plugi in an external USB drive that's >2TB. 3TB drives are now <$100

Now, if support for larger drives really does add a lot to the system footprint, it should be optional. But how much space are we talking about here? It should at least be an easy-to-select option.

David Lang

Lede-dev mailing list

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