Everything that I read talks about creating PRs when you have forked
from another github repo, and I have successfully create PRs in this
situation in the past. I have not seen any information about how to
create a PR when my repo was forked from a git repo that is hosted
outside of github. When I go to github and choose create PR, I can
only create it to branches within my fork, the upstream
(http://git.lede-project.org/openwrt/source.git) is not listed. Is
there a github repo that I should have forked from instead?

On 16 May 2016 at 11:29, Conor O'Gorman <i...@conorogorman.net> wrote:
> On 16/05/16 10:26, Graham Fairweather wrote:
>> How do I do that? I forked the LEDE repo
>> (http://git.lede-project.org/openwrt/source.git) to github, created a
>> branch for the work
>> (https://github.com/Xotic750/mirror-lede/tree/evg2000), the LEDE
>> document (https://www.lede-project.org/development.html) says that PRs
>> are accepted, but no detail of how to do it?
> https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/

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