Op 2019-11-24 om 12:23 schreef Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus:
That argument cuts both ways. If you need an improvement in your IDE
you need to do it yourself.
If the external tool implements it, you get it for free.
Oh dear. I thought you are now of the age that you no longer believe in
such unicorn statements?
GCC, LLVM, ring a bell? In a previous message I already mentioned
Netbeans, and we have had such discussions about Eclipse too (the big
IDE to rule all IDEs 10 years ago).
Even if it works, having a good quality set of plugins, dealing with
versioning and a project that probably moves much faster than yourself
and doesn't care about you is quite hard. Making own ready to install
distributions and keeping them up to date for extended periods is even
So that means it's a trade-off. Do you wish to spend your time fixing
external dependencies, or do you wish to spend it implementing new things
yourself ?
Asking the question is answering it ;-)
Not dependencies, rework the plugins over and over again, probably for
each major version, and then finding out the bit you relied on is
I really like a package I can just install and works, rather than
constantly messing with plugins that are never really it.
I think you vastly overestimate getting good quality VSCode plugins that
make it match Lazarus for basic functionality.
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