On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 18:50:07 -0500, Daithi Haxton via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>For my 2 cents, keep Lazarus as an independent, native code IDE. We do 
>instrumentation packages for manufacturing robots, and “the Web” is simply not 
>an option. Laz makes us at least 10x more productive than any other option 
>(and we’ve tried other options - we still maintain code in C++ and C# using VS 
>and it’s a nightmare compared to the Lazarus environment).
>What really scares us is that all the mainstream OSes are becoming so Web and 
>mobile centric - the way M$ is rumbling I seriously wonder if and how they’ll 
>support any native development in the not too distant future. Lazarus, with 
>it’s native abilities for Linux, gives us a clear path out should M$ abandon 
>manufacturing and the desktop in general - and we are most appreciative!

We are also using Lazarus for hardware related stuff with no help at
all from the web!

Now even MS is abandoning their Windows desktop applications like
Microsoft Office....
The latest Office 2019 seems to be the last one you can install on
your PC and work with in the absence of the Internet, they even
promote NOT using Office 2019 in some official pages!
And they offer NO updates to Office 2019. Just shows where this is

I for one spend 3-4 months every year in my cottage where we only have
mobile Internet and at speeds that vary depending on how many
neighbors are visiting the island all at the same time. In popular
summer weeks speeds go down into low single digit Mbit/s.

Needless to say it is impossible to use web based stuff there....

I voted to keep Lazarus stand-alone!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

lazarus mailing list

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