On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 11:47:06 -0400, Paul Breneman via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>On 6/11/18 I wrote a message on this forum to you about a security 
>dongle I need to use in Lazarus.  I'll trade some work for that code!
Since I could not make use of the OBJ file for the Sentinel Superpro
dongle I started looking for dongle replacements and I got a sample
from Keylok (a Keylok3 dongle) that has similar capabilities.
Its main attraction is that it does not use a driver installed in the
operating system, they say it is "driver-less".

But instead they provide a dll to interface with the dongle via the
operating system standard USB communications. As an alternative they
also have OBJ library file solution which means that the interface
will be included in ones own exe file, no dll needed. However they did
not have an OBJ file for even Delphi7 for Keylok3...

And an OBJ is probably dev IDE dependent too, so the dll is the only
way to go if one needs FPC.

I have tested it with Delphi7 (as a compatibility check, I expect my
code to also run on Lazarus/Fpc) and it is simple enough to get going
on Windows.
But I put it on hold for the summer vacations...

My project for the IoT stuff is private using ESP8266 based WiFi
boards to monitor and report here and there around my home...
So this is something I do now and then even in this temperature...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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