On 07/25/2018 08:04 AM, Bo Berglund via Lazarus wrote:
I have a GUI program developed in FPC/Lazarus x64 on Windows.
It is an IoT device configuration application which would benefit from
being portable, i.e. executable on an Android phone. The devices in
question will be placed in locations where configuration would be
easier from a phone.
Before I start digging in to the multiple pages I have found on the
fpc/Android subject I want to ask if it would be feasible to
cross-compile my Windows application for Android phone use?
I have used standard GUI controls in Lazarus for the visual parts and
Indy10 (via indylaz) for the TCP/IP communications stuff.
Any advice welcome!
But if it turns out to be a learning path several weeks long it is
probably not worth the effort...
You *hope* to compile a program *directly* on an Android phone with
*little* effort? :)
You could possibly hire me (or other that I know).
Or we could trade things?
On 6/11/18 I wrote a message on this forum to you about a security
dongle I need to use in Lazarus. I'll trade some work for that code!
I've spent a bit of time investigating similar things:
I got a couple of these kits several years ago:
A company who builds waterproof equipment could hopefully use
inexpensive Android tablets occasionally to change equipment settings (a
*lot* less expensive than adding waterproof user IO equipment to their
I'd enjoy hearing more ideas from others!
Best regard,
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