Am 08.12.2017 um 13:23 schrieb Sergey Bodrov via Lazarus:
I did some fixes and improvements to chm package, LHelp and chmmaker -

I contacted with maintainer, Andrew Haines, but then he disappear.

There is too many changes in many files, and that can't be posted as simple diff patch. Also, there is some suggestions about package contents and file/dir locations:

1. FPC package 'chm' contain file fasthtmlparser.pas, that used in some non-CHM packages and projects. May be better move that file to some generic package - fcl-base, for example?

2. FPC package 'chm' contain LZX compression routines in some files - paslzx.pas, paslzxcomp.pas, paslznonslide.pas, lzxcompressthread.pas. They not depends on other files in 'chm' and can be maintained as separate package.

3. I suggest to move LHelp project from lazarus/components/chmhelp/lhelp to lazarus/tools/lhelp, because LHelp is idependent external utility and not internal part of IDE or users projects.

4. Also, I suggest to move lazarus/doceditor to lazarus/tools/doceditor for the same reason

I would be willing to look at your lhelp version which probably is much needed. But the problem is that you also change units which are part of fpc, and I neither can nor want to change anything related to fpc. Even if you are able to get the fpc-related patches into fpc it will take a long time until this is available to Lazarus - we all know how long it took to release v1.8.

Or should we try to duplicate the chm units of fpc in Lazarus for easier modification?

#1 -- I, personally, would keep it where it is and copy it as "LazFastHtmlParser" to LazUtils which would offer more flexibility. The capitalization of the entire html text, for example, should be something to be turned off optionally (I'd need this in fpspreadsheet for a sufficiently fast sax-like access to xlsx files), and there's no chance to achieve this without forcing users to work with fpc trunk.

#2 -- Should be discussed on the fpc mailing list.

#3 and #4 do make sense.
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