I did some fixes and improvements to chm package, LHelp and chmmaker -

I contacted with maintainer, Andrew Haines, but then he disappear.

There is too many changes in many files, and that can't be posted as simple
diff patch. Also, there is some suggestions about package contents and
file/dir locations:

1. FPC package 'chm' contain file fasthtmlparser.pas, that used in some
non-CHM packages and projects. May be better move that file to some generic
package - fcl-base, for example?

2. FPC package 'chm' contain LZX compression routines in some files
- paslzx.pas, paslzxcomp.pas, paslznonslide.pas, lzxcompressthread.pas.
They not depends on other files in 'chm' and can be maintained as separate

3. I suggest to move LHelp project from lazarus/components/chmhelp/lhelp to
lazarus/tools/lhelp, because LHelp is idependent external utility and not
internal part of IDE or users projects.

4. Also, I suggest to move lazarus/doceditor to lazarus/tools/doceditor for
the same reason

*Bodrov Sergey*
software development, IT consulting
*Phone (Belarus):* +375(25)794-21-58
*Skype:* sergey.bodrov1
*e-mail:* ser...@gmail.com, oxot...@yandex.ru
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