On 27.11.2017 20:07, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
Either way, it would be nice to see LCL-CustomDrawn and LCL-fpGUI
widgetsets get some more attention.
Is there any chance to unify them to a single Widget Type implementation
that uses a low level graphics API (without an external Widget Set) ?
AFAI understand, MSE-Gui does this very successfully. They even provide
a functionality called "IFI" that allows for remoting the interface
between the RTL (and the MSE-variant of the LCL) and the "custom drawn"
library via a stream interface.
IMHO this is a highly attractive way to provide an optional remote GUI
to otherwise headless applications, while still providing portability
and support for Delphi-typical RAD-style development.
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