I know about fpGUI (Sven i assume you mean that), but i am already working
on a widget toolkit for a few years now which is written in C and if i'm
going to work on a custom widgetset might as well make it target the one
i'm already working on which is used by some other stuff i am doing to keep
things consistent.

Also AFAIK fpGUI doesn't use the native window system beyond the toplevel
windows, which i think would make OpenGL support and interfacing with
external stuff (e.g. calling an external library where you pass a HWND/X11
Window directly) harder.

As i said, i do not think this would be useful enough to others to be part
of the Lazarus tree. I ask because i remember a few months ago someone
having an Amiga widgetset pretty much in working condition and that was
something he worked on for a while, so i wondered if there was some
mechanism for that. I suppose just having a big patch would also work,
although it is kind of inconvenient.

AFAIK MSEgui doesn't have an LCL widgetset. Most of my code is LCL specific
and my concern is to keep using that code. If i am to rewrite it, might as
well rewrite it in C.

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Sven Barth via Lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Am 26.11.2017 14:23 schrieb "Kostas Michalopoulos via Lazarus" <
> lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org>:
> Is there a way to have an LCL widgetset outside of the Lazarus tree? I'm
> considering writing one for my Little Forms C toolkit at some point but i
> don't think it would be very useful to others so i don't think there is
> much of a value in having it as part of the Lazarus codebase (and TBH i
> cannot guarantee i wont abandon it). Even better if it is possible for it
> to exist as a package.
> My main motivation is wanting to get away from the modern madness of
> GTK3+/Qt5+/Wayland and all that stuff and their dependencies but i'd rather
> not rewrite in C all the tools and library code i wrote in Lazarus, so a
> custom widgetset that relies only on Little Forms (which itself makes an
> effort to rely only on libX11 with an optional Xft dependency) sounds ideal.
> However i'm not sure how extensible the LCL widgetset backend is and from
> a quick look it seems like there is a ton of manual work just to introduce
> a new one. Am i missing something?
> Worst case, i'll maintain it as a patchset that needs to be updated with
> the main code, but i'd rather not if there is a cleaner way (or can be
> easily introduced, after all this isn't something i need immediately :-P
> and i think there is value on this being a standard feature).
> Lazarus already contains a custom drawn widgetset that supports X11. I
> don't know its current state, but maybe it would be best to bring that up
> to speed and form instead of starting a new one.
> Regards,
> Sven
> --
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