
Am 16.03.20 um 16:47 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> *1. Strings for AOO download page in Polish*Corrected version is in text
> file "StringsInPolish", available at the following link:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KySmjSLY53vrsJL9sCi-1j9e0y6Y6YLj
> In file "StringsOnScreen" I placed due screenshots (in Polish and English).
> It is available at the following link:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aP9wgcOFeRZBQ_TgAaIJIAt0s6MLS-0a
> Please make necessary changes.
> (Let me/us hope that for some time I am done with translating AOO download
> page)

I just made these changes. However, I don't have the time to fix/discuss
the other points...



> *2. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/download/
> <https://www.openoffice.org/download/>*
> In file "MByte" I placed a screenshot. File is available at the the
> following link:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1boW13VxdlJWUKmr3k_9Col6uFWvriLWa
> There are two lines on download page providing information on size:
> Full Installation: File size ~ 134 MByte | Signatures and hashes:
> Language Pack: File size ~  18 MByte | Signatures and hashes:
> In both lines confusing hybrid "MByte" is used. Considering explanation of
> "megabyte" unit given - for example - by Wikipedia
> ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte ) I suggest making a change in
> above information: use either symbol of unit of measurement ("MB") or its
> name. If you decide to employ the latter: unless file size is equal to or
> around 1 MB (improbable in practice), on any download page you should use
> "megabytes".
> Example:
> first option: "134 MB"
> second option: "134 megabytes"
> It's similar to approach with any SI unit e.g. unit of length - meter. To
> denote 2-kilometer distance one can use: "2 km" or "2 kilometers" and
> definitely not any of these: "2 kmeter" or "2kmeters".
> So please decide and act accordingly.
> *3. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/ <https://www.openoffice.org/>*
> On the right side, label: "Recent Blog Posts". The upper part of it
> is/could be truncated. Funny thing is that stepwise scaling
> (zooming in OR  zooming out) may result in both no-truncation or
> truncation. That will not happen in case of "Recent News" label.
> It is never truncated. Neither stepwise scaling will affect its appearance.
> I briefly looked at the source code for both items (via Chrome DevTools).
> Problem might lie in a negative value for margin property.
> Unfortunately I do not have time to study the code in detail and find "the
> culprit" let alone come up with any viable solution.
> *4. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/ <https://www.openoffice.org/>*Same
> case like in point 3. AOO logo is truncated. Stepwise scaling (zooming in
> OR zooming out) may result
> in both no-truncation or truncation. Other icons may be affected too. Even
> hovering over area next to icon could
> "force" truncated icon to be displayed in its full shape.
> Please note in this context that - for example - on page:
> https://www.openoffice.org/product/index.html
> everythings work fine (icons & labels, no truncation, no glitches when
> scaling).
> File named "Glitches" containing adequate screenshots for point. 3 and
> point 4. is available at the link given below:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=12vFh3S4RI-M4ECJkj56dAm7HgyOSFaRq
> If links given above are not useable, please let me know.
> I am testing my Google drive functionalities for the very first time...
> With regard,
> Czesław Wolański

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