
*1. Strings for AOO download page in Polish*Corrected version is in text
file "StringsInPolish", available at the following link:


In file "StringsOnScreen" I placed due screenshots (in Polish and English).
It is available at the following link:


Please make necessary changes.
(Let me/us hope that for some time I am done with translating AOO download

*2. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/download/

In file "MByte" I placed a screenshot. File is available at the the
following link:


There are two lines on download page providing information on size:

Full Installation: File size ~ 134 MByte | Signatures and hashes:
Language Pack: File size ~  18 MByte | Signatures and hashes:

In both lines confusing hybrid "MByte" is used. Considering explanation of
"megabyte" unit given - for example - by Wikipedia
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte ) I suggest making a change in
above information: use either symbol of unit of measurement ("MB") or its
name. If you decide to employ the latter: unless file size is equal to or
around 1 MB (improbable in practice), on any download page you should use


first option: "134 MB"
second option: "134 megabytes"

It's similar to approach with any SI unit e.g. unit of length - meter. To
denote 2-kilometer distance one can use: "2 km" or "2 kilometers" and
definitely not any of these: "2 kmeter" or "2kmeters".

So please decide and act accordingly.

*3. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/ <https://www.openoffice.org/>*
On the right side, label: "Recent Blog Posts". The upper part of it
is/could be truncated. Funny thing is that stepwise scaling
(zooming in OR  zooming out) may result in both no-truncation or
truncation. That will not happen in case of "Recent News" label.
It is never truncated. Neither stepwise scaling will affect its appearance.

I briefly looked at the source code for both items (via Chrome DevTools).
Problem might lie in a negative value for margin property.
Unfortunately I do not have time to study the code in detail and find "the
culprit" let alone come up with any viable solution.

*4. PAGE: https://www.openoffice.org/ <https://www.openoffice.org/>*Same
case like in point 3. AOO logo is truncated. Stepwise scaling (zooming in
OR zooming out) may result
in both no-truncation or truncation. Other icons may be affected too. Even
hovering over area next to icon could
"force" truncated icon to be displayed in its full shape.

Please note in this context that - for example - on page:
everythings work fine (icons & labels, no truncation, no glitches when

File named "Glitches" containing adequate screenshots for point. 3 and
point 4. is available at the link given below:


If links given above are not useable, please let me know.
I am testing my Google drive functionalities for the very first time...

With regard,

Czesław Wolański

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