Hi Taavi,

Am 21.02.20 um 19:59 schrieb Taavi Kaevats:
> Hi,
> I asked the same question about Estonian webpage about a year ago.
> Back then it was a ping-pong when set of strings were exchanged via
> e-mail. I believe Matthias was working on that with me.
> As a result the opening view of the webpage got translated into
> Estonian, but the language were never inserted to the selection
> dropdown menu (upper right corner of the page)
> https://www.openoffice.org/et/

Until now the dropdown menu only lists languages we have an official AOO
release for.
But hopefully we can add Estonian with AOO 4.2.0.

All I can offer is a "soft" redirect. If you are interested drop me a line.

> Finnish webpage seems to be fully in English, but Suomi (fi) does
> exist in the dropdown
> https://www.openoffice.org/fi/

See above, AOO is released in Finnish.



> I am not sure what's up on that front today, sorry.
> Taavi
> 2020-02-21 13:50 GMT +02:00, Eeva Lamminen | Designer <e...@eevalamminen.fi>:
>> Hi,
>> Can you please advice how can I participate in translating the Open
>> Office website to Finnish?
>> Thanks already before hand!
>> Eeva
>> Eeva Lamminen
>> Graafinen suunnittelija & web-suunnittelija
>> Graphic designer | UI/UX designer | Illustrator
>> e...@eevalamminen.fi | www.eevalamminen.fi <http://www.eevalamminen.fi>
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