
Am 16.02.20 um 21:54 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> in AOO Draw:
> ENGLISH version:
>   Tools > Options > OpenOffice Draw > Grid
>   section: "Snap position", label after 1st checkbox i.e. "When creating or
> moving objects"
> POLISH version: Narzędzia > Opcje > OpenOffice Draw > Siatka
>   section: "Pozycja przyciągania", label after 1st checkbox:
>   "Podczas tworzenia lub przenoszenia obiektów".
> Part of word "*obiektów"* is lost.

That one was even too narrow for German, so "objects" was left out. ;-)

It just reads: "Beim Erzeugen und Bewegen"

> I have tested few variations of original text and come up with one that is
> both shorter and similar in meaning.
> It would read: *"Przy przeciąganiu lub przenoszeniu obiektów"*

Not really sure if that would fit...
Just try it and we will see in one of my next test builds.

I think we should shorten the English text at some point...



> I'd like someone with good command of Polish to express opinion on my
> proposal
> before I do any change at Pootle.
> The other solution is - of course - to change layout of dialog
> (like Bugzilla Issue 128283 - Issue with layout of dialog "Solver"). Thanks
> for it by the way.
> Regards

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