Hello Dick,

if you double check it, then it is ok to disable the warning and hope
that it also works in the conversion.

And hope the translation works in the build.

I know there isn't an easy solution I'm now  working on the "critical
errors" for German.

Kind regards


Am 27.01.20 um 19:06 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> Op 27-1-2020 om 18:21 schreef Mechtilde:
>> Hello,
>> no that isn't a problem of the pootle server
>> It prevents to have problems to convert from po-files to sdf-files in
>> the gsicheck.
>> Please try to solve most of the message.
>> otherwise it needs much manual works to get the translation into the
>> code.
>> Kind regards
>> Mechtilde
>> Am 27.01.20 um 14:59 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
>>> Op 27-1-2020 om 13:52 schreef Taavi Kaevats:
>>>> My original question was about strings within double quotes within
>>>> angle brackets. Those that were already translated in many languages,
>>>> but did generate critical error.
>>>> I can do one way or another, but the feedback i have received so far
>>>> is rather contradictional. Strange.
>>> Yep I know  :-)
>>> The Critical error is a Pootle thing. It mostly is a false positive that
>>> you don't need to concern much about.
>>> It reacts on all XML-tags within a segment, even the non-link tags, and
>>> even on things that look like a XML-tag
>>> It will probably work anyway in OpenOffice.
>>> It is a bit hard to explain what to translate always and what not. It is
>>> not always black/white.
>>> It depends a lot on the way the segment is used within OpenOffice.
>>> Most times, when you look at it, you probably right away will see if
>>> something should be translated or not.
>>> I think you can rely on the already translated strings that you use as a
>>> reference.
>>> If that is translated you can translate also, if not don't ( or ask so
>>> we can check together)
>>> If it is alreayd translated in several other languages, it probably
>>> should also be translated into your language :-D
> OK, I'm lost now.
> Are we talking about the XML-tags Critical errors in Pootle ?
> I know I fixed number of them and most were false positives.
> I checked the string several times and there was nothing wrong with the
> string, but the Critical error remained.
> After I doublechecked the string I disabled the warning.
> Can you point out where I'm going the wrong way ??

Mechtilde Stehmann
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