
So is this done now?

This doesn't work:

This does work, but seems like the version is from 2015 (2.5). So not sure if Pootle was update or not?

Mechtilde (2019-12-20 19:27):

yes I see now we can use translate-upgrade.apache.org.

Kind regards

Am 19.12.19 um 15:20 schrieb Pedro Albuquerque:

As I understand, there is a new page for translations, although not yet fully
functional. Maybe you should include it's address in your answer?

Anyway, I was just checking if my credentials were still active. No problem.


Em 18/12/2019 às 20:08, Mechtilde <o...@mechtilde.de> escreveu:

please stop to translate via pootle server. We try to get information
what happens now.

We are not sure whether we can save the input now

We will inform you as soon as possible

kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
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