
yes I see now we can use translate-upgrade.apache.org.

Kind regards

Am 19.12.19 um 15:20 schrieb Pedro Albuquerque:
> Hi,
> As I understand, there is a new page for translations, although not yet fully
> functional. Maybe you should include it's address in your answer?
> Anyway, I was just checking if my credentials were still active. No problem.
> Regards,
> Pedro.
> Em 18/12/2019 às 20:08, Mechtilde <o...@mechtilde.de> escreveu:
>> Hello,
>> please stop to translate via pootle server. We try to get information
>> what happens now.
>> We are not sure whether we can save the input now
>> We will inform you as soon as possible
>> kind regards
>> --
>> Mechtilde Stehmann
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Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
## Freie Office Suite für Linux, MacOSX, Windows
## Debian Developer
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