Hi Keith,

Remember that Pootle is still broken until we can switch to the new

At least I am not able to log in.



Am 05.11.19 um 15:42 schrieb Keith's Main Mail:
> On 2019-11-03 at 19:56, "Mohamed A. Rahman" <mmarah...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> Dear Keith,
>> I hope this finds you well. Thank you for creating my account.
>> Every time I try to reset my password using the link given, I receive an
> error message. The page requests my email address to reset my password, yet a
> new page tells me there is an error.
>> I was wondering if you could help me out and reset my account under the same
> user name; (marahman).
>> Thanks in advance
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mohamed A. Rahman
>> Education Consultant & Localizer
>> El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt
>> P Please consider the environment before printing this.
>> ________________________________
> Mohamed;
> I have reset your Pootle account. Please try the rest link again. If you still
> get an error please try to get the exact error message and post it in a reply
> here.
> Regards
> Keith N. McKenna
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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