Dear Keith,

I hope this finds you well. Thank you for creating my account.
Every time I try to reset my password using the link given, I receive an error 
message. The page requests my email address to reset my password, yet a new 
page tells me there is an error.
I was wondering if you could help me out and reset my account under the same 
user name; (marahman).

Thanks in advance

Kindest regards,

Mohamed A. Rahman
Education Consultant & Localizer

El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt

P Please consider the environment before printing this.

From: Keith N. McKenna <>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 7:57 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: New Member

On 9/4/2019 8:21 AM, Mohamed A. Rahman wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Mohamed A. Rahman and I'm from Egypt. Please create a Pootle 
> account for me. I state that my contributions are under the Apache 2 license 
> and I will work on Arabic language. My preferred username is  MARahman.
> Thanks in advance
> Kindest regards,
> Mohamed A. Rahman
> Education Consultant & Localizer
> El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt
> P Please consider the environment before printing this.

 Welcome! Account marahman created and enabled for Arabic. Please note
that the User Name was changed, as by convention we only use lower case
in user names.

Please go to to
receive your password.

Then you will able to login at and translate at$LANGCODE/aoo40/

A detailed Pootle guide is available at

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Keith N. McKenna

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