Hi, Christian!

Thanks for taking care of this issue.

Adam Rak

śr., 19 lut 2025 o 16:00 Christian Lohmaier <lohma...@googlemail.com>

> Hi Adam,
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 8:07 PM Adam Rak <kityn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I forgot to mention, this issue affects old, already translated strings.
> Thanks for the examples, and of course also the note to the release
> notes, so it wasn't just blindly hoping that the problem will be fixed
> in the new version after all :-)
> And I guess together with the change in the squash behaviour I have an
> understanding as to why still some files/changes get committed, but
> others won't. (i.e. a combination of us using linked repositories for
> the component, us making heavy use of translation propagation combined
> results in a large number of changes reflected in weblate, but not
> flushed to disk, only if an explicit change would trigger the builtin
> change, the files got actually committed.
> The good news is that I can force a sync of the pending-in-weblate
> changes and no translation is lost, and also that this method is a
> little faster than what I did previously with the autotranslation
> using the translation memory I did when the problem first was noticed
> (but drawing the wrong conclusions then).
> The bad news is that I was a little too eager the first time after
> updating weblate and that did overload the server/at least uwsgi and
> thus I have to take it slower.  Also means processing 25-2 first since
> that's the next I'll pull translations from for the next RC/release,
> and only after that the 24-8.
> I did start with 24-8, but that ultimately was interrupted, but at
> least
> https://github.com/LibreOffice/translations-weblate/commit/09e26d0ede2dcfc4589a1cbc66bfd32d8f9638d0#diff-9e78b2ec63332578d1f8b65a4c7a6fc32bcd495eccbb1e282de522c8fae428a1
> /
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/translate/libo_ui-24-8/wizardssourceresources/ab/?checksum=4c7e737220019796
> (week-old
> <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/translate/libo_ui-24-8/wizardssourceresources/ab/?checksum=4c7e737220019796(week-old>
> change that didn't flush itslef) and others shows that the
> method itself works, even if it is a little noisy (also updates the
> headers of unchanged files and also does reformat strings with
> newlines), so a little blown up – and the files in that batch didn't
> change all that much to begin with)
> ciao
> Christian

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