Hi Adam,

On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 8:07 PM Adam Rak <kityn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I forgot to mention, this issue affects old, already translated strings.

Thanks for the examples, and of course also the note to the release
notes, so it wasn't just blindly hoping that the problem will be fixed
in the new version after all :-)

And I guess together with the change in the squash behaviour I have an
understanding as to why still some files/changes get committed, but
others won't. (i.e. a combination of us using linked repositories for
the component, us making heavy use of translation propagation combined
results in a large number of changes reflected in weblate, but not
flushed to disk, only if an explicit change would trigger the builtin
change, the files got actually committed.

The good news is that I can force a sync of the pending-in-weblate
changes and no translation is lost, and also that this method is a
little faster than what I did previously with the autotranslation
using the translation memory I did when the problem first was noticed
(but drawing the wrong conclusions then).

The bad news is that I was a little too eager the first time after
updating weblate and that did overload the server/at least uwsgi and
thus I have to take it slower.  Also means processing 25-2 first since
that's the next I'll pull translations from for the next RC/release,
and only after that the 24-8.

I did start with 24-8, but that ultimately was interrupted, but at
(week-old change that didn't flush itslef) and others shows that the
method itself works, even if it is a little noisy (also updates the
headers of unchanged files and also does reformat strings with
newlines), so a little blown up – and the files in that batch didn't
change all that much to begin with)


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