Hi Tuomas,
Le 26/02/2024 à 17:30, Tuomas Hietala a écrit :
Hello all,

As we know, TDF funded some improvements to Weblate last year. I think all the features have landed in Weblate by now, but some of them need to be specifically enabled.

First, there's the Category feature:

Currently on TDF Weblate there are dozens of sometimes somewhat cryptically named components inside each project. You'll get used to them after a while but we could reduce confusion and speed up navigation by making use of categories. There could be one category per module (Writer, Calc, etc.) and some common categories as well, as many components are used across the whole suite.

On that, I have to check with Cloph about intrusive it could be with his own workflow on updating templates, extracting translations, etc. I'll come back to the list when I have news.

Second, there's the Workflow customisation feature:

The idea was to allow each language team to make their own decicions about workflow. So I'm just making sure if it's now okay for teams to make the switch if they want to?

Do you have access to it under your language > tools > edit?


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