Hi Ekaterine,

Le 01/05/2024 à 08:10, Ekaterine Papava a écrit :
Hello Everyone,
I want to help with the Georgian translation of LibreOffice as it's in very
bad shape.

Thanks a lot for your will to contribute!

Registered on weblate, but got no permissions to add/correct translations.
Can anyone tell me what's needed to get necessary permissions, please?
I have sent a request to email specified oi localization table, but got no
reply so far.

Yes, I just checked and translation has not been touched at least for the last two years. I gave you admin rights, meaning that you can review translations and suggestions and translate too.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to come back to me

Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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IRC: soph
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