Hello Everyone,

By the way, I have insufficient privileges to save translations on Weblate too, 
however, I was the person who has already participated in translations of 
subtitles for What's new in 24.2 YouTube video to Georgian.

Would someone please be so kind to contact me and Ekaterine in order for us to 
get the correct privileges on Weblate?
For some reason, I still haven't gotten to sending you all this email before.

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

Best regards,

George Salukvadze

IoT Lab

Avenue de Sécheron 15

1202 Geneva


Cell: +41 79 840 83 84

From: Ekaterine Papava <papav...@gtu.ge>
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 08:10
To: l10n@global.libreoffice.org <l10n@global.libreoffice.org>
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Georgian translation

Hello Everyone,
I want to help with the Georgian translation of LibreOffice as it's in very
bad shape.
Registered on weblate, but got no permissions to add/correct translations.
Can anyone tell me what's needed to get necessary permissions, please?
I have sent a request to email specified oi localization table, but got no
reply so far.

Best regards, Eka

*Ekaterine Papava*

*Georgian Technical University*

*Tbilisi, Georgia*

*Tel. +995599221170*

*E-mail: papav...@gtu.ge <papav...@gtu.ge>*

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